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加拿斯缺乏領袖風範 法比加斯來季或晉升「兵工廠」隊長 [複製鏈接]

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只看樓主 倒序閱讀 使用道具 樓主   發表於: 2008-04-20
— 本帖被 chy2003 從 球類運動 移動到本區(2009-01-09) —
Arsenal captain William Gallas in firing line
By Vicki Hodges

William Gallas' captaincy credentials have been questioned by Arsenal team-mates who have become frustrated by the Frenchman's behaviour.

With Arsenal's ambitions to reclaim the Premier League title being knocked sideways by their 2-1 defeat at Chelsea on Sunday, doubts have surfaced whether Gallas should captain the team in the end of season run-in.

The 30-year-old, whose act of petulance in Arsenal's 2-2 draw at Birmingham last month first raised question marks over his suitability for the role, has since angered team-mates for his criticism of striker Theo Walcott.

Gallas said in a magazine article that the 19-year-old, who was a late substitute during Arsenal's defeat at Stamford Bridge, was "too predictable" and that he does not work hard enough on improving his left foot.

His outspoken comments have been met with disapproval inside Arsenal's ranks with one player's representative quoted in the Sun saying: "William has not behaved the way a captain should and has lost respect among some of the players.

"He went round all of them in front of the cameras before the Chelsea game trying to gee them up but some think it was a bit phoney."

The growing division inside the dressing room is thought to be behind Arsenal's recent slump in form.

Arsene Wenger's side have failed to win any of their last four league games and are now six points adrift of leaders Manchester United in third place.

Gallas, however, does not believe the title race is over and is confident they can catch United in their final seven league matches.
"We must play until the end of the season and then see.

"Maybe United can drop some points because of the Champions League, they can be tired, Chelsea, too. We have to give everything to the end."

Gilberto, who was left out of Arsenal's squad for the trip to Chelsea, has conceded he may have to leave the club in the summer.
"If a good opportunity comes along, I don’t see any other option," Gilberto, who is expected to lead Brazil out in a friendly against Sweden this week, said.
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