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費蘭度托利斯....本季度英超球會的最佳收購 [複製鏈接]

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只看樓主 倒序閱讀 使用道具 樓主   發表於: 2008-04-10
— 本帖被 chy2003 從 球類運動 移動到本區(2009-01-09) —
English Debate: Top 10 Transfers Of The SeasonAs Rupert Murdoch's Sky-backed stranglehold on football coverage continues to tighten and television and sponsorship deals become ever more plethoric, money is being spent by the barrel-load in the Premier League.

Whether a country's own footballing talent should be paramount in determining how much money is eventually put forward toward the sport or whether other industries are unfairly influencing competition is a debate best left for another day.

The Premier League's got it, and it's flaunting it. The Big Four alone have spent more than most major leagues, and though some purchases have been wiser than others, the talent level in the Premier League is consistently on the rise.

So, to count down this season's top 10, in reverse order...

10) Martin Petrov (Atlético Madrid to Manchester City)

09) Carlos Tevez (West Ham to Manchester United)

08) Mauro Zarate (Al Sadd to Birmingham City)

07) Bacary Sagna (Auxerre to Arsenal)

06) Sulley Muntari (Udinese to Portsmouth)

05) Yakubu (Middlesbrough to Everton)

04) Javier Mascherano (West Ham to Liverpool)

03) Anderson (Porto to Manchester United)

02) Roque Santa Cruz (Bayern Munich to Blackburn Rovers)

01) Fernando Torres (Atletico Madrid to Liverpool)

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