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[討論]Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen目前最新消息流出 [複製鏈接]

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只看樓主 正序閱讀 使用道具 樓主   發表於: 2008-09-20
日前Unicron.com流出了更多有關Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen的消息,當中有之前流出的及更多全新消息。



            - 麥加登Megatron將會在TF2中復活,但沒公開是以新身份還是新外型登場。(不會是以格威龍Galvatron的身份出場...吧..)

            -  麥加登Megatron並不是第一個回到地球的變形金剛。

            -  變形金剛系列電影將一共有5套  (我的媽啊~~)

            -  建造派Construction和昆蟲派Insecticons將會在以後幾套中出現。(合體!合體!合體!)

            -  你們目前掌握有關雪糕車及雪佛蘭概念車(Chevrolet Trex & Chevy)的情報與真相完全兩個世界。當Michael Bay看到你們的推斷的時候已經笑死,我(爆料人)           可以告訴你們:


            -  你們知不知道為甚麼到現在都找不到力捷Ratchet的身影?因為他已經死了!(這個有待考證是否屬實。)

            -  一個與Sector 7類似的組織將會出現,名為N.E.S.T

            -  不要放棄對潮汐波Tidalwave的希望,他出現的機會比你們想像的還要大。(那隻笨得可怕的戰艦TF終於出現嗎)

            -  由於Sam的父母在埃及渡假的途中被襲擊,他們將會發現變形金剛的真相,他們會會問Sam很多問題。總之:Sam的父母讓你們震驚。


1.            我怎麼會知道他們會製作5部電影?

答:         所有與電影有關的人士簽了三部電影合約的同時都表示電影有三個組成部分。但Shia從小就是TF迷(參考TF1幕後製作),所以他接受在三部完成後還要再拍多兩部的事。

2.            撒克Scorpornok後來怎樣了?

答:         他會升級,你們將會看到他以機械人造型亮相,外型該和玩具差不多。

3.            7個Constructions將會合體成破壞者Devastator

4.            Constructions的G1成員之一的船頭浪Bonecrusher將會被甚麼來取代呢?(同名的角色已在中TF1死了.....)

答:         星星叫Starscream針對船頭浪的屍體有一個特殊計劃。請注意:在TF1電影的結尾裡,船頭浪的屍體並不在那堆一起被扔落海的狂派屍體裡。

5.            Arcee有三個電單車形態究竟發生甚麼事?

答:         給你一個提示:想想在Transformers Armada裡一個特別的人物~ (Alexis? Highwire??)

6.            那電影裡會怎樣解釋女性變形金剛的存在呢?

答:         很簡單:生產錯誤。 (orz)

7.            那輛銀色的雪佛蘭Corvette概念車又會是誰?

答:        又給你另一個提示:想想G1裡一個藍色的角色。(急先鋒Blurr???)

8.            那爵士Jazz會復活嗎?

答:       永遠都不可能。  (賀!)

9.            如果電影制作人有錢能夠支付使用世界上最大的兩層樓高的翻斗車來演「拖斗」這角色,為甚麼他們會付不起可以使用航空母艦的錢呢?

答:         因為我們要把最好留到最後。 (-____-___b)

10.           在最初的TF2劇本裡,聲波Soundwave被設定為狂派的搞笑人士。他會播音樂,而且他那高清晰度的喇叭會突然從旁邊彈出來煩星星叫,主要是播Caramelldansen的音樂,

               有時還會播些AC/DC和Kiss等搖滾樂隊的音樂,然後星星叫就會叫他Shut Up

答:         太爛了,制作組否決了這點子,不過如果你問我對此的看法,我認為應該保留他們。 (~3~)


1.  Megatron is coming back as a (...he didn't say)
2.  Megatron was not the first transformer to arrive on Earth.
3.  The Transformers live-action series will be five movies long.
4.  Constructicons and Insecticons will be featured in the series.
5.  You guys aren't even close to the ice cream truck and Chevrolet Trax info. Michael Bay was laughing his butt off when he heard this. I will tell you this. They are two different characters.
6.  Wanna know why you don't see Rachet anywhere? He's dead. (I'm looking into this to see if its true or not)
7.  NEST is a secret organization like Sector 7.
8.  Don't give up hope on Tidal Wave. He might be closer than you think.
9.  Sam's parents are, going to find out about the Transformers when one crashes their vacation to Egypt, asking Sam a LOT of questions, trying to figure what the heck is going on. To sum it all up, Sam's parents are up for the ride of your life.

1.  How do I know if they're making 5 movies? The whole crew signed a contract saying they will make 3 installments. Shia also said he will make 2 more after 3 because he liked Transformers when he was young.
2.  Whats up with Scorponok?  He will get upgrades. You will see his robot mode. His robot mode is the same as the toy line.
3.  7 Constructicons will unite to form "Devasator"
4.  What will be the replacement  name for Bonecrusher of the Constructicons (Since he died) Starscream has special plans for that dead body. (Notice in the movie, his body wasn't on the cargo carrier.)
5.  What's up with the Arcee bikes? I'll give you a hint. The special people in Transformers "Armada"
6.  How the heck will they explain a female Transformer? Simple. A malfunction.
7.  I wonder who the Corvette is? Another hint. G1 color: Blue
8.  Jazz's return? You'll never see it coming.
9.  If they could afford money to get the worlds largest dump truck that's 2 stories high as "Long Haul", then how come they couldn't afford a Aircraft Carrier? We are saving the best for last.
10.  Early drafts of ROTF included Soundwave designed as the comedian of the group. He would play music and his big HD speakers would come out of his shoulder to annoy Starscream. The songs thought of were Caramelldansen. Also some Rock songs from AC/DC and Kiss. Then Starscream would tell him to shut up. To bad they cancelled the idea. If you asked me, I think they should have kept it!
颯★爽★亂★入、超銀河紳士★~★~★~ ヘ( ☆‧ ω‧)> ★~★~★~
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